Kinesiology & Smart Life Training
Feeling alive, self empowered and appreciated. Powerfully connected with yourself – vibrating with joy and togetherness. Living in a state and environment that is nurturing, creating energy and radiating your excitement. This is Smart New Living. Once you have experienced this authentic being, in complete harmony with your true nature,
you will memorize it and follow this new guideline. I am your guide. Supporting you to establish this new identity in your daily routine, permanently – expanding your inner freedom, your self empowerment and your aliveness. Your body, your thoughts, your emotions, your heart and your soul will be harmonized, nurtured and appreciated.
“Plan to be ecstatic! Design your life so it always keeps you happy. Build in rewards and surprises.”
Martin Sage

Kathleen De Siena
Hi, my name is Kathleen. I am your guide for Smart New Living. Do you want to experience your true nature and find out what you really want? Get ready for the unknown and give me a call.
+41 44 734 19 26
I can’t wait to meet you in person.
Training & Integration @home
Together we will find your wishes and your needs. What do you really want? Where is your resistance holding you back? Kinesiology, body work and communication training for your inner balance. Personally in my office, over Skype or phone.
VIP Personal Training
You will be the center of attention and enjoy being the VIP person. You will get out of your comfort zone. Your dreams will come true and your needs satisfied. You will follow instructions and get feedback. Exclusive and intense. 3/5/7 days Switzerland or Ibiza. I train you in powerful, high energy places.
Get the feeling!
Do you like intensity and excitement?
Take VIP Personal Training or
VIP Team Training.
Your smartest experience ever!

What is Kinesiology?
Stress release and balance
When do I need Kinesiology?
- Reorientation in business or private life
- Communication in your relationship, family or business
- Pain in your back, knies or neck
- Headake, migraine
- Balance of the immune system and organs
- Stress release after accidents
- Hyper sensitivity
- Disturbance of fear or panic
- Kids fears and social problems
- Learning disorders and motivation
- Depression – Aggression
- Burnout – Ressources & stress management
- Mobbing – Strategies that work
VIP Training Intense
VIP Team Building
Contact & Prices
If you are traveling or living in another country I will train you over Skype or phone. If you are not sure about the training that works for you, set up an appointment with me for free. I’m sure we will find what you need.
+ 41 44 734 19 26 / + 41 76 588 50 56 kads@sunrise.ch
Get a session of 60 minutes for CHF 140 / € 120.00*
*Price in Euros exkl. value added taxe Get a package of 5/10 sessions with price reduction. Prices of VIP and team trainings depend on the number of participants, season and time.
Bank Transfer: Kathleen De Siena – Widen – Postfinance AG – Mingerstrasse 20 – 3030 Bern
IBAN CH34 0900 0000 8715 9177 3 (CHF)
IBAN CH74 0900 0000 9188 9203 6 (Euro)
“Follow your aliveness. Let your vitality be your guide.”
Martin Sage
„VIP Training on Ibiza is just amazing! An open door for me into a new life. I discovered my authentic being, my beauty and this deep trust in myself.
It’s like a miracle!”
„Thanks to Kathleen I am living my dream. She helped me to believe in myself, to be visible and feel good about it. Today I am an expert for gluten- and lactose free cooking and representative for Thermomix ® kitchen aid. I’m so excited about my new life.“
„I thought I would have to live forever with this pain in my arms. But after one Kinesiology session with Kathleen it was gone.
It’s amazing!”
Intense & unique
Ready to change your life?
What’s your dream?
Looking for a new way of living?
+ 41 44 734 19 26
Please give me a call.
© 2016 Einzigartiganders